Reclaim Your Mornings with these Personalised and Informative Morning Routine Ideas

Personalise your morning routines with these inspired and informative morning routine ideas and templates, while learning the benefits of good morning routines.

Dear Spirited Earthling,

It is time to reclaim your mornings. A morning routine is recommended so often because the benefits of it are tried and true. Your morning routine sets you up for the day, helps you through your day, and supports your mind, body, and soul. Whether you are looking for a healthy morning routine template, a doable morning routine for productivity, or simply ideas to personalise your morning routine this post is for you.

The most important thing to remember when creating your morning routine is that there is no one-routine-for-all approach. People have different time constraints, physical abilities, lifestyles, and goals. It may take some experimenting with different activities to find a routine that brings purpose and positivity to the rest of your day. Instead of seeing this as an excuse not to have one, see it as an opportunity to have fun and connect with yourself each day.

“Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

morning routine opening the curtains

Tried and True Benefits of Good Morning Routines

These benefits of a morning routine nurture self-development, encourage self-care and strengthen spirituality. With a wholesome mind, body and soul routine your days (and life) will become happier and healthier.

Benefit 1: Morning Routines Set the Tone for the Day

By having a morning routine, you start your day by prioritising your well-being. The activities you choose to do will boost your energy and mood. A morning routine sets a tone of positivity and productivity (even when it is slow or creative and not high energy and educational – more on types of morning routines later).

Benefit 2: Morning Routines Bring Peace and Presence to Your Day

A morning routine can offer a sense of control over your day because you are choosing how to start your day instead of feeling like you are being dragged through your day by life. Furthermore, knowing how your day begins can provide a feeling of stability and lower anxiety and stress. As you feel more connected and present in your routine, it can become more of a ritual. Peace and presence to start the day help you focus on the important tasks you need to accomplish that day.

Benefit 3: Morning Routines Build Consistency and Discipline

Having structure in your day brings purpose and showing up consistently creates a positive ripple effect in different areas of life. This is because consistency and discipline are incredibly important qualities and are essential for success in anyone’s personal, professional, and social aspects of life. 

Benefit 4: Morning Routines Help Achieve Goals

You are more likely to achieve your goals when your morning routine includes activities that bring you closer to reaching them. Small and consistent efforts result in large and significant wins. Naturally, taking action towards your goals daily will help you achieve them quicker.

Benefit 5: Morning Routines Support Physical Health

By having a morning routine that includes moving your body, you are taking care of your physical health every day. The body movement can be as high energy or as calming and restorative as you like. Hydrating and eating a nutrious breakfast further support your physical health. 

Benefit 6: Morning Routines Strengthen Mental Health and Support Mindfulness

Along with setting a positive tone for the day and bringing a sense of peace, your mental health can be strengthened by including mindfulness practices in your morning routine. Mindfulness practices like meditation and journaling foster positive mindsets which can better your life satisfaction.

Benefit7: Morning Routines Support Spirituality and Connecting with Self

Regardless of your beliefs, your morning routine can support spiritual connection through practices like prayer, meditation, chanting, and gratitude. Journaling helps you connect and better understand yourself.

“Some people dream of success, while other people get up every morning and make it happen.” ~ Wayne Huizenga

morning run morning routine

Helpful and Informative List of Morning Routine Ideas

There are different types of morning routines because there are different types of people who lead different lives and have different resources and goals. The idea is to create a routine that best aligns with your lifestyle, and this list of morning routine ideas and types can be your guide:

Energetic Morning Routine

Are you naturally a morning person with a lot of energy when you wake up? If so, then an energetic morning routine that focuses on moving the body could be great for you. This routine includes high-energy activities like HIIT workouts and jogging. An energetic morning routine prioritises physical health.

Slow Morning Routine

Are you slow to wake up and feel fully alive in the morning? Do you need to create more peace in your day? If you answered yes, then a slow morning routine that focuses on mindfulness could work well for you. This routine involves activities like meditation, breathwork, journaling and reading to nurture a calm and focused mindset. A slow morning routine prioritises your mental health.  

However, this is not to say that slow physical activities (stretching, restorative yoga, Taichi and leisurely walking) cannot be included.

Creative Morning Routine

Are you lacking time for creative pursuits that feed your soul? If so, then a creative focused morning routine could be just what you need. This routine dedicates a small part of your morning to creative hobbies and activities like writing, painting, drawing, knitting, and sewing. A creative morning routine can inspire and energise you.

Educational Morning Routine

Are you wanting to learn more about a topic or skill? Are struggling to find time for personal growth? If you answered yes, then an education-based morning routine could help you reach this goal. This routine involves activities like reading, studying, and participating in online courses to learn more about something or develop skills. An educational morning routine promotes growth in whichever aspect of life you focus on.

Wholesome Morning Routine

It can be said that a combination of activities from the above morning routines can create a wholesome morning routine. Think of the 5 am Club routine that makes time for exercise (20 minutes), mindfulness (20 minutes), and education (20 minutes). This creates a balanced and holistic start to each day that serves your physical, mental, and spiritual needs.

Whether you're looking to focus on one aspect during your morning routine (physical health, creativity) or having a more holistic approach (wholesome, 5 am Club) you will feel the benefits mentioned before (and more) of having a morning routine in time. Remember that it takes around 66 days to get into a morning routine because you are breaking old habits and integrating new habits. Generally, it takes longer to break a habit than start a new one. You will need to be patient with yourself.

“Morning is an important time of day because how you spend your morning can often tell you what kind of day you are going to have.” ~ Lemony Snicket

educational morning routine

Example of a Wholesome Morning Routine

This is a template of a wholesome morning routine that incorporates self-development, self-care, and spirituality into your day.

  • Hydrate: Drink a glass of water to rehydrate after hours of sleep.

  • Physical Movement: Move your body – stretch, yoga, walk, run, gym, swim, weights.

  • Mindfulness Practices: Spend time journaling (setting intentions, answering prompts, listing gratitudes), repeating affirmations, meditating, and breathwork.

  • Spiritual Connection: Pray, read sacred texts, sit at your home altar to ground yourself and connect with guides.

  • Learn and Grow: Read a book, take a course, listen to a podcast, watch TedTalks, or practice new skills.

  • Nourish Yourself: Try drinking warm water, honey-lemon-ginger hot water, or your favourite tea before drinking coffee. Eat a nutritious breakfast.

Your morning routine can be as simple or full as you need it to be. Allow your routine to evolve and grow as you do.

“I’ll give you my routine, my morning ritual: I get up, I do a bit of stretching, and then after showering and everything, I have a half cup of warm lemon water. I’ve been doing that forever. I love it. It just brightens everything for me.” ~ Grace Hightower

morning routine couple doing yoga or taichi together

Morning Routine Suggestions and Considerations

While you may need technology for fitness apps, music, and courses during your morning routine, it is ideal to not include checking the news, scrolling social media, or reading emails. Dedicate this morning time to your well-being without external influences.

Additionally, it is worthwhile taking practices outdoors when possible. Connecting with nature has untold benefits for overall happiness and health. Jog or walk outdoors, journal and read on the balcony, or have your tea in the garden.

You could tailor your morning routine to mindfulness practices related to the days of the week, e.g. Mondays are for self-reflection journaling, Tuesdays are for creative skills and hobbies, Wednesdays are for learning, etc (read more here).

(When applicable) Your physical activity can be determined by your menstruation cycle. For example, during menstruation take it easy with slower body movements, during ovulation do more HIIT and energy-intensive workouts.

You can start by adding one or two activities to your morning, and gradually build on until you have a morning routine. To create consistency, it is helpful to wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. You can wake up at 5 am or just 30 minutes earlier than normal. Give yourself time to find your rhythm.

“Smile in the mirror. Do that every morning, and you’ll start to see a big difference in your life.” ~ Yoko Ono

Spirited Earthling is more than just a blog – it's a gathering place for kindred spirits drawn by an interest in self-discovery, the appeal of self-care, and a desire for a deeper connection to the world. Written and created for curious minds and spiritual hearts seeking meaning in everyday life, this blog aims to help you curate your wholesome personal growth with free weekly ideas and affordable resources for sale.

As you navigate your personal growth journey using the words and ideas shared here, consider sharing this blog with someone looking for inspiration or motivation on their own journey. We are all spirited earthlings, and can lift each other together with mindful, connected living.

Thank you for being part of this community.

Best wishes, warmest regards


Affirmations: I am a creator and choose to create the life I desire. My morning routine supports me becoming my best self.

To do: Choose one of these routines or one activity to start your morning routine tomorrow.

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reclaim your mornings with these personalise and informative morning routine ideas spirited earthling blog post

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