Mindfulness Made Easy using the Days of the Week

Mindfulness can be made easy by using the energy of each day of the week to help guide your mindfulness practices.

Dear Spirited Earthling,

Mindfulness practices can be easily integrated into your daily life, regardless of what your days look like or your responsibilities. These practices help regulate your emotions, improve attention and memory, better communication, and promote overall joy and gratitude. Living mindfully leads to a happier, healthier, fuller, and more purposeful life. You are aware of your many blessings and see the goodness in each day. Mindfulness practices for each day of the week help you perceive, think, and behave mindfully more consistently

Mindfulness isn’t difficult, we just need to remember to do it.” ~ Sharon Salzberg

woman has her eyes closed and her hands crossed on her chest

Mindfulness Practices for Each Day of the Week

Mindfulness can be made easy by using the energy of each day of the week to help guide your mindfulness practices.


Mondays are ruled by the moon and connected to the root chakra. The moon is an important celestial body to us. As the moon has lunar cycles and influences ocean tides, you experience emotions and feelings in waves and go through your own cycles of change.

This means that Moon Mondays can be moody if you aren’t acknowledging and moving through heavy emotions and feelings that may keep arising. The moon encourages you to be emotionally nurtured and secure, so you can honour your authentic self and be sensitive and empathetic with others.

An open and balanced root chakra makes you feel safe. It has the words ‘I am’ – meaning it is important to know and treasure your inner self (needs, wants, dreams) and feel grounded. I am present and aware.

Monday is best for mindfulness practices that are emotionally based and centred at home:

·       Say affirmations for your root chakra, grounding, confidence, protection, imagination, and intuition.

·       Journal to self-reflect and set intentions.

·       Meditate.

·       Honour emotions that come up and let them flow through you.

·       Prepare for the week in a way that suits you – plan meals, outfits, and note appointments.

·       Clean and declutter the home.

·       Eat more root vegetables (beets, parsnips, turnips), apples and pomegranate.

Mondays are also best for travel planning because of the energy of peace and hope for dreams on this day. On Moon Monday, fear less and love more. Wear colours like white and silver. Moonstone, quartz, and pearls can ground you and connect you with the moon and the water element.


Tuesdays are ruled by Mars and connected to the sacral chakra. Mars energy is that of passion, personal drive, and assertiveness. On Monday you prepare for the week, and on Tuesday you take action. Your inner fire is activated on Tuesday so engage in activities that thrill and inspire you. Mars is a warrior so head out with strength and courage to win spiritual challenges, interpersonal confrontations, and business deals.

The sacral chakra has creative energy and is associated with passion and sensuality. It has the words ‘I feel’.  I am productive. It is noteworthy that the high energy of Mars and assertiveness can lead to aggression and conflict. Having an open and balanced sacral chakra can help manage Mars energy constructively.

Tuesday is best for mindfulness practices that inspire you because your energy and passion are high:

·       Gardening.

·       Hobbies.

·       Be active – move, exercise, have sex.

·       Light candles.

·       Set boundaries.

·       Eat more seeds, nuts, oranges, carrots, pumpkins, and spices.

Tuesdays are also good to start projects and take actionable steps on your goals and intentions. On Tuesday, complain less and appreciate more. Wear tones of red and orange in salute to the red planet. Red jasper, amber, and garnet promote courage and steadiness.


Wednesdays are ruled by Mercury and connected to the solar plexus chakra. Mercury is the planet of communication, thinking, and expression. Your perception and awareness are better. The way you speak, write, and process information is heightened with Mercury. This feeds into the decisions you make and affects problem solving.

An open and balanced solar plexus chakra inspires confidence and strengthens personal power, self-respect, and self-worth. The words ‘I do’ are linked to this chakra. I create my reality as I am strong and capable.

Wednesday is best for mindfulness practices that encourage communication:

·       Brainstorm ideas.

·       Focus on academic work (reading and writing).

·       Speak with yourself through journaling.

·       Have important conversations, include setting boundaries.

·       Eat more oats, yellow peppers, bananas, yellow lentils.

Wednesdays are best for communication and correspondence (phone calls, messages, appointments, signing contracts, and writing), public speaking, networking events, and memory-based activities. Short trips are also good ideas.  On Wednesday, watch less and do more. Wear colours like blue, purple, and green. Agate, aventurine, and opal are crystals and gems perfect for Wednesday.

person with a pen in had about to write in a notebook


Thursdays are ruled by Jupiter and connected to the heart chakra. Jupiter represents hopefulness, abundance, growth, and wisdom. The energy of Jupiter is that of luck and opportunity, bringing positive experiences. There is a connection with higher knowledge (values and beliefs, ideologies and opinions) and the energy to broaden and explore what you think you know and believe. Jupiter has the spirit of giving.

The heart chakra energy is unconditional love and compassion for yourself and others. It promotes harmonious relationships, encourages healing and forgiveness, and is linked to your self-esteem. The heart chakra has the words ‘I love’. I welcome experiences that help me grow. I am loved.

Both Jupiter and the heart chakra boost positivity and expansion (spiritually and mentally). Thursdays are your day to be the most thankful. Therefore, Thursday is best for mindfulness practices that attract luck, prosperity, and abundance:

·       Say affirmations for wealth.

·       Practice gratitude.

·       Journal about love and relationships.

·       Read for self-improvement and growth.

·       Sit at your altar and engage in favoured spiritual rituals and practices.

·       Look at personal finances, and update budget.

·       Volunteer and donate.

Thursdays are also best for research, planning long-distance travel, and psychology-related activities. On Thursday, judge less and accept more. Wear colours in tones of purple and blue. Amethyst, lapis lazuli, sapphire, and turquoise are good crystals and gems to interact with.


Fridays are ruled by Venus and connected to the throat chakra. Venus energy is all about love, romance, and relationships. It also fosters appreciation for the creative arts and personal creative expression. Venus calls for harmony, compromise, and charming social interactions.

Clear communication, active listening, and clarity of thought are elevated with an open and balanced throat chakra, promoting harmonious relationships. The throat chakra has the words ‘I talk’. I express my truth.

Friday is your fun day, full of love, connection, and creativity. Therefore, Friday is best for mindfulness practices that promote love:

·       Practice self-care and self-love.

·       Spend time with people you care about.

·       Spend time with your significant other.

·       Go to the theatre, visit an art gallery.

·       Try something new with your fashion style.

·       Work on creative hobbies.

Fridays are also best for social activities, poetry and dance events, and other creative happenings. On Friday, talk less and listen more. Wear pink and blue on Fridays. Rose quartz is a great crystal companion to bring unconditional love and compassion.  


Saturdays are ruled by Saturn and connected to the third eye chakra. Saturn is the planet of personal responsibility and discipline. The energy of this planet offers opportunities for growth and self-development through perseverance. It calls for structure, order, and working towards long-term goals. Saturn's energy rewards patience and perseverance, and encourages delaying gratification.

An open and balanced third eye chakra strengthens your intuition, imagination, and perception. This means that with mental clarity and focus, you can imagine, visualise, and manifest your intentions and goals. A spiritual connection is encouraged. The third eye chakra words are ‘I see’. I am connected and let go of limiting beliefs and ideas.

The energy of Saturday encourages you to get organised in a balanced way. Saturday is best for mindfulness practices that release old and unnecessary energy:

·       Spend time looking at goals and visualising your success.

·       Cleanse yourself and your space (with sage, palo santo, incense).

·       Protect yourself energetically and reinforce boundaries.

Saturdays are also best for housework, homework, and dealing with personal matters and errands. On Saturday, frown less and smile more. Wear more black and brown clothing. Black onyx and haematite give protection and guard against negativity.


Sundays are ruled by the Sun and connected to the crown chakra. The sun is another significant celestial body and represents the essence of your identity and vitality. As the sun unapologetically radiates its warmth and light, you are called to do the same. The sun is associated with self-awareness and overall well-being.

An open and balanced crown chakra brings divine guidance and wisdom to your life. You are present, aware, and feel spiritually connected. The crown chakra has the words ‘I understand’. I am divine and I learn.

Sunday is best for mindfulness practices that bring warmth and truth to your day:

·       Spend time in nature - time in the sun, get fresh air.

·       Do something that encourages personal growth (read, listen, journal).

·       Meditate.

·       Rest and relax.

Sundays are also best for spending time with people you hold dear, setting goals and appreciating and celebrating your successes. On Sunday, think less and feel more. Wear gold, orange, and yellow. Amber, citrine, ruby and sun stone are good crystals and gemstones to hold and carry.

“Looking at beauty in the world, is the first step of purifying the mind.” ~ Amit Ray

Sundays are also best for spending time with people you hold dear, setting goals and appreciating and celebrating your successes. On Sunday, think less and feel more. Wear gold, orange, and yellow. Amber, citrine, ruby and sun stone are good crystals and gemstones to hold and carry.

Mindfulness can be made easy by using the energy of each day of the week to help guide your mindfulness practices. Choose to live in alignment with the natural energies around you.

Related Read: Mindfulness Practices That Will Get You Outside More

Spirited Earthling is more than just a blog – it's a gathering place for kindred spirits drawn by an interest in self-discovery, the appeal of self-care, and a desire for a deeper connection to the world. Written and created for curious minds and spiritual hearts seeking meaning in everyday life, this blog aims to help you curate your wholesome personal growth with free weekly ideas and affordable resources for sale.

As you navigate your personal growth journey using the words and ideas shared here, consider sharing this blog with someone looking for inspiration or motivation on their own journey. We are all spirited earthlings, and can lift each other together with mindful, connected living.

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Best wishes, warmest regards


mindfulness made easy using the days of the week

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