Why, How to, and Easy, Doable Ideas to Invest in Yourself
Learn why, how to, and easy, doable ideas to invest in yourself. Choose to adopt this beneficial mindset and wholesome form of personal self-care today.
Dear Spirited Earthling,
Your personal growth journey is one that reminds you of your worth. A way to show yourself that you value yourself is by investing in yourself. Your mind, body, and soul are worthy of love and respect and nurturing.
Investing in yourself is a decision you make to better your knowledge, skills, and well-being (personal and professional). Investing is a long-term commitment that provides incredible end results. When you invest in yourself, you increase your potential for success in whichever area of life you decide.
Why should I invest in myself? What are the benefits?
Investing in yourself is a gift you can give yourself every day. You will grow personally (self-awareness, confidence, understanding yourself) and professionally (improving your knowledge and skills, raising your earning potential, leading and working well within teams). Investing in yourself can improve your communication skills and emotional intelligence, which helps form and strengthen meaningful relationships. As you’re showing yourself how important you are, and making choices that benefit your health and well-being, you will feel happier and more fulfilled.
“There is no more profitable investment than investing in yourself. It is the best investment you can make; you can never go wrong with it. It is the true way to improve yourself to be the best version of you and lets you be able to best serve those around you.” ~ Roy T. Bennett
How can I invest in myself without spending a lot of money?
You can invest in yourself without spending a fortune. Here are doable and affordable ways to invest in yourself without spending a lot of money:
Read: Books, articles, and peer-reviewed journals can be easily accessible. You can take out books from your local library, borrow books from friends, read free eBooks, listen to free audiobooks, look for inexpensive Kindle books (I have found many books for around €1), read articles from reputable sources, and source free peer-reviewed journals on websites like Google Scholar.
Online Courses: Take online courses from learning platforms and universities that offer free courses.
Attend Seminars / Webinars: Look for organisations and businesses that offer free seminars and webinars on topics that interest you.
Find a Mentor: Is there someone in your life that inspires you to be better? Maybe it’s a boss that leads a team well, treats the team with respect, and is willing to provide guidance. It could be someone in your life physically or digitally (networks like LinkedIn or social media). Never try and be them, only learn from them, so you can continue to live your life authentically.
Practice Self-Care: Take care of your mental, physical, and emotional health. Be sure to sleep, eat healthily, exercise regularly, journal often, and meditate daily.
I have money saved, how can I use this money to invest in myself?
The ideas given to invest in yourself without spending money are still applicable here, but having money to use will give you more options. Ways you invest in yourself by spending money:
Travel / Study Abroad: Travelling is one of the best life teachers you can learn from. Embrace new experiences, perspectives, and cultures. Studying abroad leaves you with a certification, life-long memories and friends, and different ideas, inspirations and opportunities.
Certified Courses: Being able to pay for courses and certification programmes opens more topics and more specific themes to you. Taking certified courses can teach you new skills, which can improve your job prospects and allow for higher salary negotiations.
Attend Workshops / Retreats: Take part in workshops and retreats that inspire personal growth and development. The focus could be on leadership, creativity, mindfulness, or yoga. Think about which parts of your life you want to invest in and improve on.
Hire a Coach / Mentor: A coach or mentor can help guide and support you in your growth journey. They can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, develop a plan for your growth and goals, and keep you accountable.
Start Your Business: Whether the business will be your primary source of income, or another stream of income, starting your business can bring you fulfilment and financial independence. There could be certified courses that can help you with your business. Workshops and retreats can help you network.
Shop our Book of Finances to get a financial overview and track your debt, savings, and spending.
Can I invest in myself by forming better or healthy habits?
Absolutely, yes. Habits are the actions you repeat daily that have significant impacts on your life. Here are doable healthy habits you can do to invest in yourself:
Sleep: Getting enough sleep benefits your mental and physical health. Set sleep boundaries for yourself (no tech 30 minutes before bed, no phone scrolling in bed) and form a sleep ritual (going to bed and waking up at the same time, dim lights in the bedroom, calm and deep breathing).
Eat Healthily: A balanced diet improves your overall well-being. Enjoy the beautiful variety of whole grains, the array of colours in vegetables and fruits, and the diversity of proteins.
Exercise Regularly: Moving your body for at least 30 minutes a day benefits your mental and physical health. Fill your lungs with oxygen on your walk or run, mindfully connect with your body as you practice yoga and tai chi, or get an endorphin high in a spinning class.
Mindfulness Practices: Bring calmness and clarity to your days through meditation, breathwork, and taking a moment to be present.
Learn Continuously: You can keep your mind engaged by learning new things. You could learn through books, podcasts, or TED Talks. You can also learn new hobbies and skills like knitting and budgeting.
Shop our Book of Habits to identify and track your healthy habits.
What are Everyday Ideas to Invest in Me?
Set your long-term and short-term goals. Create a vision board.
Identify skills you want to improve and start honing them. Learn new skills. Learn new languages.
Plan your day. Have a daily routine that sets you up for success. Get enough sleep.
Declutter your spaces.
Start journaling, meditating, and practising breathwork. Welcome solitude.
Exercise and move your body daily.
Read educational and non-educational books. Listen to podcasts that inspire and calm you. Watch content that teaches you and others that relax you. Feed your curiosity and interests, and also broaden the content you consume.
Play. Do things that bring you joy. Spend time on hobbies. Be creative.
Spend time and money on experiences as opposed to material things. Make a bucket list.
Travel, domestically and internationally. Be in awe of the world around you.
Take care of your appearance. Invest in clothes that flatter you and make you feel great.
Spend time with people you care about. Let go of toxic people. Network more. Find a mentor or coach.
Pay off debts. Start saving. Invest your money. Live within your means. Spend money on things that truly matter.
Smile. Embrace happiness. Live in gratitude. Romanticise your life.
Track your results. Celebrate your progress.
Shop our Book of Goals to identify and track your long-term and short-term goals.
Investing in Yourself is a Mindset and a Form of Personal Self-Care
Investing in yourself is a mindset because you are choosing to make changes and take action to further your personal growth. It is a mindset because it requires a willingness to learn, to take risks sometimes, and to prioritise yourself.
Investing in yourself is also a form of self-care because you are forming healthy habits that support your well-being, and making your needs and goals a priority. You are valuing yourself and your potential. Investing in yourself involves adopting a growth mindset and a commitment to self-care.
Think about your options and choose investments that align with your interests, goals, and values.
Spirited Earthling is more than just a blog – it's a gathering place for kindred spirits drawn by an interest in self-discovery, the appeal of self-care, and a desire for a deeper connection to the world. Written and created for curious minds and spiritual hearts seeking meaning in everyday life, this blog aims to help you curate your wholesome personal growth with free weekly ideas and affordable resources for sale.
As you navigate your personal growth journey using the words and ideas shared here, consider sharing this blog with someone looking for inspiration or motivation on their own journey. We are all spirited earthlings, and can lift each other together with mindful, connected living.
Thank you for being part of this community.
Best wishes, warmest regards
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Comparison may be inevitable, but it doesn’t have to steal your joy. Learn how to reframe comparison into a tool for growth, self-compassion, and actionable progress.