New Moon Ritual Guide with Journal Prompts and Prayer

Your new moon ritual guide with journal prompts and prayer to harness the power of the start of the lunar cycle.

Dear Spirited Earthling,

Each new moon marks a new beginning - the start of a lunar cycle. The new moon is the darkest phase, and this lack of light invites you to turn inward and embrace moments of self-reflection. Just as the seasons prompt different actions, the moon cycles guide us to align with their unique energies.

“People are capable, at any time in their lives, of doing what they dream of.” ~ Paulo Coelho

image of new moon rising behind a tree lined mountain

Understanding New Moon Energy

During the new moon, the moon is positioned between the Earth and the Sun, with its illuminated side facing away from us. This alignment makes the moon appear invisible (or nearly so) from Earth, as no sunlight is reflected toward us. This darkness represents beginnings, and the hidden potential of new intentions – a space where potential is nurtured and where unseen transformations occur. Think of a seed planted in the dark soil: it germinates and grows roots before breaking through to the surface. Similarly, the new moon’s darkness symbolises the "seed stage" of intentions, when ideas take root and begin to form quietly.

The new moon is your confidant. She is who you can share your hopes and dreams with. Write or speak your intentions into existence and welcome the miracles that align with them. Use this time to connect with your soul and ask yourself: What do I truly want to accomplish this lunar cycle? The new moon provides the opportunity to slow down, go inward, and listen to your inner wisdom.

The alignment of the sun and moon binds the masculine and feminine energies. This magnificent energy arrangement encourages positive change, offering the courage to heal and pursue your goals. To create space for the new, it is essential to release what no longer serves your highest good. The darkness of the new moon also holds powerful energy for cleansing and healing, encouraging letting go of fears, doubts, and anything misaligned with your growth.

New Moon Journal Prompts

Journaling is a sacred practice for self-reflection and growth. Whether you keep a dedicated moon journal or use your daily journal, these prompts will guide you through the new moon’s energy:

  • What makes me happy?

  • What do I want more of / less of?

  • What is my soul longing for?

  • What am I desiring more than anything lately?

  • What do I want to manifest on this new moon?

  • What do I need to let go of – intentions, feelings, thoughts?

  • What kind of person do I want to be in this new moon cycle?

  • What energy do I want to express in this new moon cycle?

  • What can I do to make these dreams and desires a reality?

Write freely and without judgement. This could be a love letter to yourself and the new moon. List all the things that are making you happy, and explore what your soul may be longing for. Write down all you plan to manifest and fully describe the person you want to become this lunar cycle. Highlight the key areas to focus on and align your intentions.

“Remember that wherever your heart is, there you will find your treasure.” ~ Paulo Coelho

Think about actionable steps that you can take to work with the Universe in creating your dream life. Ask for support and guidance and have faith that everything works out for you, with harm to no being.

“And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” ~ Paulo Coelho

new moon in the sky with sunset colours and mountain outlines

New Moon Ritual and Prayer

Rituals during the new moon offer an opportunity to reconnect with your intentions and release what no longer serves you. Your new moon ritual can be practised on the days leading up to, the day of, and the days following the full moon. Here’s a simple new moon ritual and prayer to get you started:

  • Set Your Intention: Decide what you want to focus on during your ritual. Take three deep breaths to centre yourself.

  • Create a Sacred Space: Welcome the energies of the elements and the Universe. Say this new moon prayer and ask for blessings and support in manifesting your intentions.

new moon prayer by spirited earthling jordan schroeder
  • Write Your Intention: Reflect on your goals and select one intention to focus on during this moon cycle. Write your intention on a piece of paper, expressing it fully and authentically. If inspired, draw symbols or images that represent your goal.

  • Visualise: Look at what you wrote and take three deep breaths. Close your eyes and envision your intention as if it has already come true. Imagine the emotions, sensations, and transformations this manifestation brings.

  • Write Your Future: Write down how you would feel when your intention manifests into reality. Describe how your life would look and what it means for you to live your dream. Hold an item representing the earth element, such as a crystal or stone. Visualise yourself deeply rooted, supported by Mother Earth, as you feel grounded and focused.

  • Release and Renew: Reflect on what you need to release to make room for your intention. Write these down on a separate piece of paper.  Imagine cutting cords to any fears, doubts, or behaviours holding you back. Picture these being released into the Earth to be transmuted into positive energy.

  • Close Your Circle: Thank the elements, energies, and moon for their presence and blessings. Blow out your candles.

Your new moon ritual is a starting point for personal growth and transformation, so personalise it to reflect your unique journey and beliefs. Spirituality is a deeply personal journey, and your rituals should reflect your unique path.

I’d love to hear about your new moon practices!

🌑 How do you embrace the energy of the new moon?

✨ What intentions are you setting for this lunar cycle?

Share your reflections in the comments, or tag me in your new moon rituals on social media using #spiritedearthling. Let’s inspire each other to create new beginnings and manifest our dreams under the magic of the moon! If you’d like to dive deeper, download my New Moon Bundle below.

Both full moon and new moon are immensely powerful, and their energies are complementary. The new moon is a time of potential and planning, while the full moon is about manifestation, celebration, and release. New moon is about beginnings, introspection, and planting seeds for future growth. Its energy is quieter, more subtle, and inward-focused. Full moon is about realising and celebrating the progress and letting go of what no longer serves your highest good. Together, they create a balanced cycle of growth and renewal. Without periods of darkness, light wouldn’t feel as vibrant or meaningful. By planning and resting in the dark, you can fully appreciate the growth and action that follow in the light.

Spirited Earthling is more than just a blog – it's a gathering place for kindred spirits drawn by an interest in self-discovery, the appeal of self-care, and a desire for a deeper connection to themselves and the world. It is written and created for curious minds and spiritual hearts seeking meaning in everyday life. This blog aims to help you curate your wholesome personal growth with free weekly ideas and affordable resources for sale.

As you navigate your personal growth journey using the words and ideas shared here, consider sharing this blog with someone looking for inspiration or motivation on their own journey. We are all spirited earthlings, and can lift each other together with mindful, connected living. I deeply appreciate every read, share, and purchase.

Thank you for being part of this community.

Best wishes, warmest regards


[Updated in 2025]

Affirmations: I am open to receive. My path is shown to me. I know my next steps. I manifest my dream life now.

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Shop the Full Moon Bundle - Digital download of the full moon significance, the prayer, journal prompts (plus additional prompts), and affirmations for the full moon:

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Full Moon Ritual Guide with Journal Prompts and Prayer