What are the Fascinating 9 Solfeggio Healing Sound Frequencies?

By understanding these 9 Solfeggio frequencies and their healing effects, you can listen to frequencies you need and are a healing component to your daily habits and routines.

Dear Spirited Earthling,

Music is a part of daily life for many people, with different soundtracks expressing our different moods and activities. Playing nature sounds can be calming before bed, and also as a wake-up alarm. We can connect with different sounds in different ways.

Interestingly, the Solfeggio frequencies (measured in Hertz, Hz) are a set of tones used for centuries to promote healing and balance. There are nine specific frequencies, each with its own unique properties and benefits.

“A person does not hear sound only through the ears; he hears sound through every pore of the body. It permeates the entire being.” ~ Hazrat Inayat Khan

healing sounds from bowls

The 9 Solfeggio Healing Frequencies

By understanding these sound frequencies and their healing effects, you can listen to frequencies you need and are a healing component to your daily habits and routines.

174 Hz

Sounds and music with a 174 Hz frequency promote pain relief and relieve stress, physically and energetically. This first Solfeggio frequency is associated with grounding and natural anaesthetic properties. 174 Hz is excellent to listen to when you want to relax deeply and heal. This tone brings a sense of security and love to your organs.

285 Hz

285 Hz frequency connects you to your inner spirit and supports the healing and recovery of damaged tissues and organs. This second Solfeggio frequency is effective for people with physical injuries and who have recently undergone surgery, because it is believed to help repair DNA and boost the immune system. This tone is also associated with expanding consciousness and enhancing cognitive abilities.

396 Hz - Tone of the Root Chakra

Sounds and music with 396 Hz frequency activate your root chakra. This third Solfeggio frequency is associated with releasing fear, grief, and guilt (conscious and subconscious), and boosts the energies of resourcefulness, strength, and courage. It is said to help you overcome obstacles and achieve a sense of freedom. This tone is sometimes referred to as the tone of the earth.

Listen to 396 Hz on Spotify.

417 Hz - Tone of the Sacral Chakra

417 Hz frequency helps facilitate change and undo negative influences in our lives (in the body, home, or office). This fourth Solfeggio frequency is linked to your sacral chakra and connects you to an infinite source of positive energy that encourages positive changes in your life. 417 Hz can help with breaking down emotional barriers, old patterns and habits, and decision-making (decisions that can bring about good changes). This tone is often used to address challenging situations in life.

Listen to 417 Hz on Spotify.

528 Hz - Tone of the Solar Plexus Chakra

Sounds and music with a 528 Hz inspire positive transformation through the frequency of love and healing. This fifth Solfeggio frequency connects with your solar plexus chakra and promotes feelings of love, compassion, and joy. 528 Hz is sometimes referred to as the tone of the sun and the miracle tone. Listen to this tone when you want to bring about extraordinary changes

Listen to 528 Hz on Spotify.

639 Hz - Tone of the Heart Chakra

The 639 Hz frequency is one of harmony and is linked to your heart chakra. This sixth Solfeggio frequency improves communication and encourages harmony and love, internally and externally (relationships). This frequency is great to listen to when you want to strengthen relationships, support, tolerance, and radiate love. 

Listen to 639 Hz on Spotify.

741 Hz - Tone of the Throat Chakra

Sounds and music with a 741 Hz frequency activates your throat chakra which encourages self-expression, thereby boosting creativity and creating different ideas and problem-solving solutions. This seventh Solfeggio frequency stimulates intuition and helps detoxify the body and mind, releasing toxins and negativity. It is believed to disconnect you from any external, superficial, dependence on outside (world) opinions and ideas. This tone is effective for people undergoing cancer treatments or those wanting to fight infections. 741 Hz frequency can bring balance to hormones and boost endocrinal functions. This frequency inspires a happy, healthy, stable, simple, spiritual life where you thrive in authentic self-expression.

Listen to 741 Hz on Spotify.

852 Hz - Tone of the Third Eye Chakra

The 852 Hz frequency stimulates perception and intuition, connecting to your third eye chakra. This eighth Solfeggio frequency helps you see beyond illusions in life and perceive the world clearly. 852 Hz unites you with your inner light and strength, enabling you to observe and communicate with higher consciousness as it is associated with returning to a state of spiritual balance and order. It is said to promote a connection with the divine and help with spiritual growth and development. Listening to this sound frequency can calm the mind and reduce overthinking.

Listen to 852 Hz on Spotify.

963 Hz - Tone of the Crown Chakra

Sounds and music with a 963 Hz frequency cleanse your aura and reconnects you with your higher self and source. 963 Hz is the tone of the crown chakra. This ninth Solfeggio frequency also activates your pineal gland, stimulating bodily processes and increasing positive energy. It is thought to facilitate a deeper connection to higher spiritual realms and consciousness. This tone is sometimes referred to as the frequency of the gods or God frequency, and the pure miracle tone. It is said to promote a sense of oneness with the universe and help with spiritual awakening.

Listen to 963 Hz on Spotify.

Overall, the 9 Solfeggio frequencies and their healing effects can bring balance in all areas of life and can be included in your daily habits and routines. Whether you're looking to overcome negative emotions, improve your relationships, or connect with your spirituality, there is a healing frequency that can help you.

It is noted that while these frequencies are used in sound healing and meditation practices, scientific evidence supporting their specific healing properties is limited. These frequencies are often regarded as part of alternative and complementary healing modalities and should not replace conventional medical treatments when needed. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional for any health-related concerns.

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Best wishes, warmest regards


Affirmation: I take care of my mind, body, and spirit.

Journal Prompt: Are my chakras open or closed? If one is closed, what can I do to open it?

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