10 Beautiful Life Lessons to Learn From Dogs
There is a lot we can learn from dogs, like happily greeting loved ones, being loyal, and knowing that family doesn’t have to be blood.
Dear Spirited Earthling,
Dogs are incredible animals and the bond between humans and canines is a long and deep one. After all, dogs are called humans best friend for a reason. Whether they are companions, protectors, helpers, or lifesavers – they lovingly serve us in multiple ways. Humans have taught dogs numerous things, but what can we learn from dogs?
Here are 10 beautiful life lessons to learn from dogs:
1. Loyalty is Important
The greatest friendships have some base in loyalty. Loyalty is crucial because it fosters trust, mutual respect, and a sense of security. When we know that someone is loyal to us, we feel more comfortable sharing our thoughts, feelings, and vulnerabilities with them. We also know that they have our best interests at heart and will stand by us through thick and thin.
If you really think about it, who is always by your side when you feel on top of the world and when you feel like your world is crumbling? Your dog.
2. Being Yourself is Terrific
Dogs love life whether they are big or small, slim or not, one colour or multi-coloured, from pure-bred parents or not. Your appearance is one aspect of the multitude of wonderful things that make up who you are. Some dogs are athletic champions, some dogs win competitions based on looks, and some faint when their nails are being cut.
Dogs embrace who they are and carry on living their best lives to the best of their abilities. You should too! When you doubt yourself, think about dogs and channel their confidence and self-acceptance until you have your own.
3. Happily Greet Your Loved Ones
Coming home to a loving and ecstatic tail-wagging dog makes you smile regardless of the day you have had. This beautiful life lesson from dogs is something you can start implementing today.
Leave your day at your office door, or in your train or car, or at your front door - but don’t bring it inside. Intentionally try to walk through your door and lovingly greet your family or roommates. Don’t use your bad day as an excuse to disrespect someone, nor bring someone else down. If you live alone, it will do you well to have a space to relax and recover rather than stir and simmer.
4. Run and Play Daily
Dogs teach us that getting active should be part of daily life. Dogs need time to run and play every day. As a result, dog owners are typically more active than pet owners of other animals.
It's well known that exercising every day has proven mental and physical benefits. Remember the happiness of experiencing the fresh air and the wind in your face.
Along with making time to run, remember to make time to play. Life becomes more serious as you grow up. It’s important that you still play – whether it's with your kids, or friends, or take part in activities that bring you joy. It may take you out of your comfort zone, but moments of feeling like a child again can bring such joy.
5. Take Naps and Stretch Before Rising
Both rest and stretching are important components of a healthy lifestyle. Incorporating these practices into your daily routine can help improve your physical and mental health, allowing you to live a happier and more fulfilling life. Stretch out your muscles when you wake up and before bed. Take the moment to love your body. Stretch at your desk to take care of yourself at work.
6. Communicate What You Want and How You Feel
Dogs teach us to communicate our wants and feelings without shame. Dogs let you know what they want. They will paw at the door to get out. Roll onto their backs for tummy tickles. Puppy-dog-eye you for extra food. Wag their tail when happy, or hang their head and tail when sad.
Figure out what you want and be brave enough to go for it. It’s not a bad thing to say what you want and share how you feel. Don’t wait for people to assume what you want, communicate it.
7. Avoid Biting When a Simple Growl Will Do
If a dog feels unsafe or threatened they growl to show their unhappiness. The dog will bite if the growl is not heeded, and their boundaries are crossed.
Your emotions can influence your actions enormously. In the heat of the moment it's easy to say and do things you don’t mean. Don't make permanent decisions based on temporary emotions. Knowing when to growl and when to bite is a valuable life lesson from dogs.
8. Be Honest and Learn From Mistakes
When a dog does something wrong, their faces or behaviour show it. Dogs also tend to try everything once, but rarely make the same mistake twice.
Own up to mistakes and avoid making the same mistakes over again. Learn from it and do better next time.
9. Let Go and Move On
Dogs teach us that letting go and moving on is a great way to live life. Think about when a dog begs you for food or a treat, you say no, and the dog walks away sadly. The dog doesn’t ignore you for days after that. No, within minutes the dog will be loving you and wanting to play. Letting go and moving on from small disappointments is something dogs have mastered and we need to remember more.
Disappointment is a normal part of life. And yet, how often do you waste time mulling over scenarios or conversations that may happen, did happen, didn't happen but could have, or is beyond the realm of possibility? Have you ever held onto a grudge that did more harm to you than the initial situation that created it? Don’t lose out the joy that you could be experiencing because you're sitting in a past that cannot be changed or never happened.
10. Family Doesn’t Have to be Blood
Dogs are not blood relatives of the family they are part of and they are accepted and loved regardless. Dogs are not blood relatives but are still best friends and children to people. They show unconditional love and compassion to all.
Some of you are blessed with loving families. And some of you are blessed to have chosen families. Unconditional love doesn’t have to come from blood family to be true and run deep.
Share this post with fellow dog lovers to bring some joy to this day.
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Best wishes, warmest regards
Affirmations: I easily find joy in each day.
Exercise: Choose one of the life lessons mentioned and actively implement it this week.
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