Daily Affirmations for Self-Love and Self-Acceptance

A brilliant collection of uplifting and memorable daily affirmations for self-love, self-acceptance, self-worth, body love, and body neutrality.

Dear Spirited Earthling

Self-love, self-acceptance, and self-worth are all important aspects of our mental and emotional well-being. These are journeys (and not destinations) that require patience, self-compassion, and self-reflection. Another important aspect of self-love is body positivity. Body love and body neutrality are two approaches that can help you develop a healthy relationship with your body. Both approaches can help you feel more comfortable and confident in your own skin.

One way to start this journey is by practising affirmations. Affirmations are positive and life-changing statements that can help rewire our brains and improve our self-esteem. This curated collection of daily affirmations has been created with the intention of nurturing your self-love, deepening self-acceptance, nourishing self-worth, and celebrating every facet of your unique form. Too often, we treat others better than we treat ourselves. If this is true for you, treat yourself like a loved one and embrace this path of positivity guiding you towards a profound connection with the incredible person you are.

pink paper glasses with heart frame

Memorable Self-Love Affirmations

Self-love is the act of accepting and appreciating yourself for who you are, without judgment or criticism.

1.      I love myself and my journey.

2.      I love and care for myself in a positive and healthy way.

3.      I am true to myself because I belong here.

4.      I allow myself to feel good and find happiness every day.

5.      I make healthy choices rooted in love for my body.

6.      I love who I am becoming every day.

7.      I am beautiful and brave.

8.      I am creating the life I love every day.

9.      I believe in myself, and I am proud of who I am.

10.  I love spending time alone.

Recommended read: Embrace Genuine Self-Love to Boost Self-Esteem and Strengthen Self-Worth.

Uplifting Self-Acceptance Affirmations

Self-acceptance is the act of recognising and embracing your individuality (strengths, weaknesses), without judgment or self-criticism.

1.      I accept all of me.

2.      I speak kindly to myself.

3.      My dreams are valid and wonderful.

4.      I choose to make the rest of my life the best of my life.

5.      I am exactly where I am meant to be.

6.      I do the best with what I have as I live life confidently.

7.      I release the past and choose to happily live in the present.

8.      I am at peace with myself.

9.      I have deep self-respect for who I am.

10.  I gift myself self-acceptance every day.

Recommended read: Self-Acceptance is a Powerful Part of Self-Care.

Supporting Self-Worth Affirmations

Self-worth refers to the value and respect that you have for yourself, independent of the opinions of others.

1.      I am worthy of good things and welcome abundance into my life.

2.      I am enough. I do enough. I have enough.

3.      I am whole and complete.

4.      I deserve to be loved, cherished, and celebrated.

5.      I welcome miracles into my life.

6.      The universe supports me in all I do.

7.      I am brave and say no when necessary.

8.      My unique spirit brings light to the world.

9.      I have healthy boundaries and I easily maintain them.

10.  I am worthy of happiness, peace, and love.

Recommended read: Inspiring Ideas for Boosting Confidence with Self-compassion.

Open-hearted Body Love Affirmations

Body love is about accepting and celebrating your body.

1.      My body is a precious gift.

2.      I choose self-love and release self-criticism.

3.      My body is a beautiful expression of my individuality.

4.      I love my body and see it for all its beauty.

5.      I appreciate all my body does for me.

6.      My body is full of energy and strength.

7.      I respect and honour my body just as it is.

8.      I am beautiful inside and out.

9.      I am grateful for my healthy body that gets stronger every day.

10.  I am at home in my body.

Welcoming Body-Neutral Affirmations

Body neutrality is about focusing on what your body can do rather than how it looks.

1.      I am more than my appearance.

2.      I am happy on days I feel attractive and on days I don’t.

3.      I feel good about myself more and more each day.

4.      I treat my body with respect.

5.      I am worthy of love and kindness based on more things than my appearance.

6.      I have a healthy relationship with myself.

7.      I take care of myself every day.

8.      Today I am my best friend.

9.      I have the courage to be the happiest and healthiest me.

10.  I feed my mind, body, and spirit with total self-love.

This collection of daily affirmations for self-love, self-acceptance, self-worth, body love and body-neutral affirmations can help create a more positive mindset around who you are and why you deserve love and respect. Speak kindly about yourself to yourself always. The words you say matter.

Spirited Earthling isn't just a blog; it's a place where kindred spirits can explore the worlds of self-development, self-care, and spirituality along this adventure called life. Designed for those with curious minds and spiritual hearts, this site can be like a guiding compass to bring mindfulness and intentionality into every step of our journey.

As you journey through these words and ideas, remember that inspiration thrives when shared. Consider gifting someone a ticket to their own transformative voyage by sharing this blog, or even just this post. By doing so, you're not just sharing knowledge – you could be igniting a spark of inspiration and possibility in another soul. Together, let's encourage a movement of mindful, spirited living. For in sharing, connecting, and uplifting, we each walk our paths with positivity and growth.

Thank you for being part of this community.

Best wishes, warmest regards


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Resources for mind, body, and soul growth available in the Shop


Daily Affirmations are Effective and Life Changing


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