Why You Should Laugh More and How to Do It

Laughter and having a sense of humour can improve your physical, mental and social wellness. By finding ways to laugh more each day, you can lessen stress, boost your mood, strengthen relationships, and even stimulate new thoughts.

Dear Spirited Earthling,

Laughing is a simple act that brings so much depth and richness to life, that we should all make more conscious efforts to laugh more. Laughter brings levity and vitality to everyday life. Laughter is the best medicine after all, and this post shares ideas on how to do it more. Maintaining your sense of humour is a major win in life because it helps you find opportunities to laugh. Having a sense of humour is more than just the ability to tell jokes or making others laugh. It also means appreciating humour and recognising the need for it in different situations (including difficult times) to help maintain a light-hearted and positive outlook on life.

 Why You Should Laugh More

With so many responsibilities and time pressures in life, laughter is a free and natural way to make you happier and healthier. There are many benefits of laughing and having a sense of humour:

Physical Health Benefits

Laughing can have physical health benefits. You inhale oxygen-rich air into your lungs, activate your muscles, your heart beats faster and endorphins and antibodies are released. After this mini-workout, your heart rate and blood pressure drop, and you feel more relaxed. It is also believed that laughter can boost your immune system and relieve some pain because oxygenated blood, antibodies and endorphins circulates around your body.  

Mental Health Benefits

Along with being a physical workout, laughter can be a good distraction from wallowing in negative emotions. Having a sense of humour strengthens resilience and can improve your mood when times are challenging. It can be a great stress reliever and help combat feelings of anxiety and depression. Laughter and humour promote creative thinking and optimism that can shift perspectives and open your mind to new ideas and solutions.

Social Health Benefits

Laughter connects people across country, culture, and language divides. Laughing together is a form of social bonding that eases nerves, can be an ice breaker in awkward situations, and fosters a sense of belonging. This act can also create an atmosphere of comfort and ease, opening a space that organically encourages the sharing of thoughts, feelings, and experiences. This openness can strengthen relationships and build trust. Inside jokes can signify a deep understanding and connection, reinforcing the special nature of familial and platonic relationships.

Romantic Relationship Benefits

Building on from the social health benefits, shared laughter strengthens emotional intimacy and sense of togetherness in romantic relationships. Laughing together can also lead to physical touch, like hugging and holding hands. This physical connection strengthens emotional bonds, and can also ease tensions during strained conversations and disagreements. A well-timed joke and smile or shared laughter can bring down walls and negative emotions.

Additionally, humour helps you cope with life’s inevitable ups and downs. Shared laughter reminds you of the strength and support within the relationship. This and positive memories you have as a couple reinforces resilience in your relationship. Humour and laughter bring youthful energy and playfulness to the relationship, which can be refreshing in long-term relationships.

Quite simply, laughing more and having a sense of humour can make you happier, less stressed, and healthier.

Ideas to Help You Laugh More

Finding ways to laugh more each day is probably easier than you think. Here are a few ideas on how to do it:

  • Watch Comedies Online: This could be in the form of a funny movie, a laugh-out-loud TV show, or a stand-up comedy special. There are many comedy-based YouTube channels that fit your sense of humour (funny skits, humorous commentary, funny animal videos). Follow social media accounts that post jokes, memes, and funny videos.

  • Watch Comedies Live: Attend live comedy shows and open-mic stand-up comedy nights.

  • Read Comedies: This could be in the form of humorous books, fanfictions, blogs and newsletters. Rekindle an old love for comic books.  Look up jokes and learn a few to say at your next gathering.

  • Listen to Comedies: See if your favourite comedian has a podcast or listen to podcasts that provide a good dose of humour.

  • Spend Time with People Who Make You Laugh: Surround yourself with people who have a good sense of humour. Enjoy their positive and joyful outlooks. Send each other funny videos, memes, or jokes that you come across during the day.

  • Try Your Hand at Comedy: Learn the art of comedy through workshops or online courses. Write and perform your own stand-up routine, even if it’s just for friends or family. Create a comedy channel on Instagram and TikTok and share your humour. Leave funny notes for others to find and think of it like random acts of humour.

  • Have a Humour Journal: Write down funny things that happen to you, thoughts that made you laugh, or jokes you hear.

  • Play Fun Games: Play games that make you laugh like charades and Pictionary, card games, or your favourite board games. Play RPGs like Dungeons & Dragons or Pathfinder with a humorous spin.

  • Go to Fun Places: Visit places like amusement parks, carnivals and fairs, and arcades. Activities like bowling and paint ball can easily make you smile and share a laugh.

  • Laugh Out Loud: Forced laughter can trigger real laughter, so try laughing for a minute each day. This can be your random act of cheerfulness for the day. There are also the options of laughter yoga and laughter meditation (forced laughter and silence).

  • Participate in Funny Events: Attend events like costume parties, flash mobs, or themed fun runs. Try a laughing yoga class, a unique exercise that combines laughter and yoga breathing.

  • Learn to Laugh at Yourself: Everyone makes mistakes and sometimes the best thing you can do is laugh at the situation you find yourself in. Self-deprecating humour can be a healthy way to cope with the highs and lows of life, so long as it's done in a non-destructive way.

  • Surround Yourself with Humour: Decorate your space with funny posters, quotes, or toys. Buy items that make you smile or laugh when you see them, like a funny coffee mug or T-shirt.

Many of these ideas can be done on your own or with others, depending on what you need more that day. Think of what brings out your inner child and do more playful activities like it. Laughing more will help release stress and promote a joyful mindset. Finding joy in the simple things and maintaining perspective to not take everything too seriously makes life more enjoyable.

Laughter and having a sense of humour can improve your physical, mental and social wellness. By finding ways to laugh more each day, you can lessen stress, boost your mood, strengthen relationships, and even stimulate new thoughts. So, let go of your inhibitions, seek out humour, and make laughter a central part of your life. As Charlie Chaplin famously said, "A day without laughter is a day wasted."

Spirited Earthling is more than just a blog – it's a gathering place for kindred spirits drawn by an interest in self-discovery, the appeal of self-care, and a desire for a deeper connection to the world. Written and created for curious minds and spiritual hearts seeking meaning in everyday life, this blog aims to help you curate your wholesome personal growth with free weekly ideas and affordable resources for sale.

As you navigate your personal growth journey using the words and ideas shared here, consider sharing this blog with someone looking for inspiration or motivation on their own journey. We are all spirited earthlings, and can lift each other together with mindful, connected living.

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Best wishes, warmest regards


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